Volume VI



Statement of Editorial Policy

Note from the Editor-In-Chief

Table of Contents


Right to Act: United States Legal Basis Under the Law of Armed Conflict to Pursue the Islamic State in Syria
by Samantha Arrington Sliney

Stealing Press Credentials: Law Enforcement Identity Misappropriation of the Press in the Cyber Era
by Andy T. Wang

Discriminatory and Illegal Practices Administered in the United States’ Discretion When Employing the National Security Exception to Claim Inadmissibility of Syrian Refugees for Resettlement
by Cynthia Gonzalez

Political Extremism and Domestic Terrorism in America
by Mark Potok

Charging Crimes as “Terrorism”
by Jenna McLaughlin

Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 15 and Terrorism Cases
by Daniel Rashbaum & Melissa Rashbaum


Combating Narcoterrorism
by Andrea Villa

Does “Meaningful Human Control” Have Potential for the Regulation of Autonomous Weapon Systems?
by Kevin Neslage

Unfair to the Unborn: A Look at Ortiz and the Injustice of the Feres Doctrine when Applied to Injuries Incurred to a Fetus While in the Womb of an Active Duty Servicewoman
by Tiffany-Ashley Disney

Preserving Reef-Building Coral Genetic Resources with Assisted Migration: Balancing Precaution and Risk
by Richard J. Bartz & Annie Brett

Cyberspace: The 21st Century Battlefield
by Cameron Ryan Scullen

To purchase reprints of any of the University of Miami National Security and Armed Conflict Law Review’s articles, click here.

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