Category Archives: Current Issue: Articles

Right to Act: United States Legal Basis Under the Law of Armed Conflict to Pursue the Islamic State in Syria

by Samantha Arrington Sliney – Shortly after the beginning of the Syrian Civil War, the Islamic terror group ISIS captured the world’s attention with their rapid advance through Iraq and acts of severe brutality. In short order, the group captured large swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria and declared the formation of an Islamic […]

Sun Tzu’s Battle for Your Footnotes: The Emergent Role of Libraries in Judicial Warefare

BY MARK MCCARY – This paper posits that libraries—specifically science and technology libraries—have emerged on the international scene as a critical source of soft power—non-military power. Public and private entities can leverage a library’s digital resources to accelerate the development of critical technologies through horizon scanning, targeting, early warning, alert services, digital exploitation, and cross-domain delivery. Library resources play a key role in strengthening the research capabilities […]

Non-State Armed Groups and Technology: The Humanitarian Tragedy at Our Doorstep?

BY COLONEL DAVE WALLACE & MAJOR SHANE REEVES — Technological advances are altering the contemporary asymmetric conflicts between non-state armed groups and state actors. This article discusses the humanitarian consequences of these changing conflicts by first illustrating the dangers posed by non-state armed groups gaining access to advanced technologies. A subsequent examination of the increasing […]

The Eyes of the World: Charges, Challenges, and Guantánamo Military Commissions After Hamdan II

BY CHRISTINA M. FROHOCK — Guantánamo military commissions are under a spotlight, scrutinized by the judiciary and the public. Just the word “Guantánamo” can trigger impassioned reactions from both advocates and detractors. This Article takes a measured view, examining a recent opinion from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, Hamdan v. United […]