Tag Archives: Edward Snowden

Alleged Israeli Spying and Current Espionage Law

By Stephanie Rosendorf – Last week, the Wall Street Journal published an article stating that Israel spied on the United States/Iran nuclear talks in order to undermine President Obama’s position with the Republican-led Congress. The story quoted statements from anonymous “current and former U.S. officials.” Apparently, the White House found out about the alleged spying […]

Blowback: Covert Surveillance and the Consequences for Global Economic Growth

BY CHRIS PAWLIK — Trade matters. The security interests of the United States are inexorably tied to its interest in promoting free trade and open markets. During the summer of 2013 discussions for the most significant American-involve trade pact since NAFTA, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) began. Only a few days before the first […]

The Battle of The Briefs: Domestic Intelligence Gathering At Stake

BY NICHOLAS ESSER — The public is largely aware of Edward Snowden, a man who is branded a traitor by some and a whistleblower by others. However, the ramifications of his leaking of sensitive National Security Agency (NSA) documents are sill largely unknown.[1] Snowden sent classified documents to various reporters and news agencies around the […]