2013 Symposium

2013 Symposium: The Internet and Armed Conflict

How to Respond to Cyber Espionage, Corporate Computer Attacks and Other Acts of Online Crime? Experts Weigh Options

The question of how to react to a cyber attack brings up a complicated set of conundrums: When is a military response called for, as opposed to one from law enforcement? At which point does an attack on a company affect the security of a whole country? Does the victim respond with cyber warfare, or with a blizzard of bombs and bullets? And how quickly can the response be assessed through the norms of international law?

These were among the issues debated at a symposium organized by Miami Law’s National Security and Armed Conflict Law Review and moderated by Professor Markus Wagner. The discussion, titled “The Internet and Armed Conflict,” included as panelists the retired U.S. Air Force Major General Charles Dunlap, a Professor at Duke University School of Law; Jamil Jaffer, Republican Chief Counsel and Senior Advisor to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee; and Major Michael McFerron, a cyber-specialist for the U.S. Marine Corps, Southern Command.

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