Tag Archives: Iran

Could Congress’ Backing of Iran’s Nuclear Deal Cause an Impetuous Rift Between the United States and Israel?

By Anthony Moreland – With impending legislation that seeks to redress the three decades long sanctions against Iran, the concern troubling many is whether or not there will be unrest regarding United States/Israeli relations in the coming months.  The United States has long held sanctions against Iran dating back to 1979 that first began with […]

Alleged Israeli Spying and Current Espionage Law

By Stephanie Rosendorf – Last week, the Wall Street Journal published an article stating that Israel spied on the United States/Iran nuclear talks in order to undermine President Obama’s position with the Republican-led Congress. The story quoted statements from anonymous “current and former U.S. officials.” Apparently, the White House found out about the alleged spying […]

Nuclear Arms Agreements Between the United States & Iran: A reachable goal or a naïve, idealistic fantasy?

Stephanie Rosendorf — Since the overthrow of the Shah in 1979, relations between the United States and Iran have been rocky at best and non-existent at worst. Unsurprisingly, there is no shortage of tension lately between the United States, Iran, and Israel over negotiations regarding Iran’s nuclear program. U.S. and Iranian officials have been meeting […]