Tag Archives: Claire Rumler

The Perils of Congressional Interference in Military Sexual Assault Cases

By Claire Rumler – Sexual assault has been a longstanding issue in the various branches of the United States military forces. In early March, Army Brigadier General Jeffrey Sinclair avoided brig time after pleading guilty to adultery and mistreatment of one of his accusers. Per the plea agreement, the sexual assault and sodomy charges against […]

The British Royal Fleet and The United States Coast Guard: A Historic Joint Mission

BY CLAIRE RUMLER – The United States Coast Guard (“Coast Guard”) made headlines again after a historic drug bust. Coast Guardsmen at Station Miami in Miami Beach unloaded 2,500 pounds of cocaine, packaged in 45 bales marked as refined sugar, which was recovered from a go-fast boat just south of the Dominican Republic. Although the cocaine […]

National Security and the First Amendment: The Special Responsibility of Defense Attorneys

BY CLAIRE RUMLER — Lawyers, especially criminal defense lawyers, represent an integral component of the American justice system. Their job is to ensure that no person be arbitrarily imprisoned, and fight to protect the rights of clients- rights that all people in the United States are guaranteed, regardless of their guilt or innocence or social […]

A Matter of National Security: The Shutdown and its Effects on Department of Defense Operations

BY CLAIRE RUMLER — On October 1, 2013, the United States federal government entered a shutdown after Congress failed to enact regular fiscal appropriations for a continuing resolution for fiscal year 2014. As a result, hundreds of thousands of federal employees were furloughed indefinitely, including half of the civilian staff of the Department of Defense […]