Tag Archives: FISA

Congress and the Future of Intelligence Reform

BY CHRIS PAWLIK – The Senate Intelligence Committee recently approved a new bill that aims to address concerns regarding the National Security Agency’s (N.S.A.) bulk data gathering practices. [1] The bill, titled the FISA Improvements Act, was introduced by Senator Diane Feinstein (D-California) and passed by a vote of 11-4. [2] The bill heavily favors current […]

To Keep or Not to Keep: NSA Surveillance Program

BY CHRIS PAWLIK — The question contemplated before the Senate Intelligence Committee recently was what changes could be made in order to preserve the formerly secret National Security Agency (NSA) program that logs every American’s telephone calls. [1] While competing bills emerged between one camp within the Committee led by Senators Mark Udall (D-Co.) and […]

The Battle of The Briefs: Domestic Intelligence Gathering At Stake

BY NICHOLAS ESSER — The public is largely aware of Edward Snowden, a man who is branded a traitor by some and a whistleblower by others. However, the ramifications of his leaking of sensitive National Security Agency (NSA) documents are sill largely unknown.[1] Snowden sent classified documents to various reporters and news agencies around the […]