Tag Archives: Kevin Peterford

Merrick Garland: Views on Marijuana and Guns

by Kevin Peterford – Wednesday, March 16, 2016, President Barack Obama nominated Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court of the United States. Merrick Garland is currently the chief judge for the U.S Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit. He was appointed to this position in 1997 by President Bill Clinton. He has served in […]

War, War Never Changes: Primary Candidates’ Views on Going to War – Issue One

by Kevin Peterford – In the midst of Primary season, National Security remains one of the biggest issues that voters are concerned about. Obviously all of the candidates want to stop terrorism in its tracks, but different candidates propose different means of achieving this goal. This article will be the first of many articles that […]

Two Ways and One Goal: To Prevent Future Paris-Style Attacks

by Kevin Peterford – Ten days ago the world was shaken by the horrific attacks that occurred in Paris. In the wake of the deadliest attacks on France since World War II, there have been numerous proposed means of combatting future terrorist attacks. In the United States there are two remedies suggested to curtail an attack […]

Drones: The Federal Government’s Attempt to Fly In and Regulate Them

By Kevin Peterford – With Back to the Future Day just passing and the Star Wars saga continuing in less than two months, futuristic Drones and the laws surrounding them are finding themselves in the news as well.  What exactly is a Drone? What can Drones do? What is the government doing to regulate citizens’ […]