Tag Archives: Mark DeSanto

North Korean Propaganda Video “Threatens” Attack on U.S. Capital

BY MARK DeSANTO — North Korea has posted a new propaganda video (available, here) to its YouTube channel contained in its government website, Uriminzokkiri. The video features images of a fictitious missile attack on the U.S. government buildings in Washington, D.C., including the Capitol Building and the White House. It depicts a “montage of clips […]

Cold War Flashback in Turkey & the International Law Concept of “Attribution”

BY MARK DeSANTO — A terrorist suicide bomber attacked the United States embassy in the Turkish capital city, Ankara, on Friday, February 1, 2013. The bomber was identified, using DNA testing, as 40-year-old, Ecevit Sanli, who reportedly detonated an explosive device on the outside perimeter of the embassy. The attack tragically claimed the life of […]

Is Palestine a “State”?

By MARK DeSANTO — The United Nations General Assembly, comprised of 193 total members, voted to grant non-member observer status to Palestine on November 29, 2012. 138 member states voted to approve the change in member status, while only nine states, Canada, Czech Republic, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Panama, Palau, and the United States, […]

Israeli War Games Overlook Flagrant International Law Violations

BY MARK DeSANTO — The Institute for National Security Studies (hereinafter, “INSS”) in Tel Aviv, Israel, conducted a “war game” on September 24, 2012, allowing sole access to a British film crew to capture the event. The war simulation game “was based on the scenario of a unilateral Israeli strike [on Iranian nuclear facilities] without […]