Author Archives: Justin Ortiz

Cold War Flashback in Turkey & the International Law Concept of “Attribution”

BY MARK DeSANTO — A terrorist suicide bomber attacked the United States embassy in the Turkish capital city, Ankara, on Friday, February 1, 2013. The bomber was identified, using DNA testing, as 40-year-old, Ecevit Sanli, who reportedly detonated an explosive device on the outside perimeter of the embassy. The attack tragically claimed the life of […]

La Revolución Nueva: How the Calderón Reforms Have Revolutionized The Mexican Legal System in the Face of Cartel-Related Violence

BY CLAIRE RUMLER — On May 12, 2012, over 50 mutilated corpses, several of whose hands, feet, and heads were cut off, were discovered in a pile next to a highway in the Mexican state of Nuevo Leon.[1] The massacre was the largest in a month-long string of cartel violence, including the decapitation of 18 […]

Autonomy in the Battlespace: Independently Operating Weapon Systems and the Law of Armed Conflict

BY MARKUS WAGNER — The article analyzes the use of autonomous weapon systems (AWS) and the challenges that such systems pose with respect to compliance with the law of armed conflict. Importantly, AWS pose different questions than those surrounding the current use of unmanned aerial systems. For that reason, the article briefly sketches the history […]

Gun Control: United States Statistics and Law

BY GRETCHEN COTHRON — In the United States in 2010, almost 15,000 homicides were committed with a weapon. In 8,775 of  those homicides, the assailant used a firearm.[1]  Assailants used rifles in 358 homicides, shotguns in 373 homicides; unknown types of firearms in approximately 2,000 homicides, and handguns in 6,009 homicides.[2] Despite the shocking mass […]