Category Archives: NSAC Posts

In The Absence of Sovereignty, How Will ISIS Be Held Accountable For Their Crimes?

Anthony Moreland – At the height of the Syrian civil war in 2013, the small forsaken group, ISI, now known as ISIS, was able to cross the border from Iraq to Syria without attracting attention. There, they spread their message to other disaffected Sunnis. Their movement is believed to have been so effective because, after “the […]

Your Home is Your Castle, but the Walls Are Becoming Thinner: New Radar Enables Law Enforcement to see into Your Home

Stephanie Rosendorf – The debate over law enforcement surveillance is nothing new, but with the ever-increasing sophistication of technology, where does one draw the line? The Supreme Court ruled in 2001 in Kyllo v. United States that law enforcement must obtain a warrant in order to use evidence obtained by using thermal energy to monitor the […]

In The Wake of The Paris Terror Attacks, Should the U.S. Mobilize Troops Stateside To Protect From The Threat of Sleeper Cells?

Anthony Moreland – In the aftermath of the attacks in Paris that left 17 dead, the French have mobilized 10,000 troops to protect against further terrorist attacks.  Planned sites include Jewish temples, and mass transit hubs.  The country also plans to protect mosques as they have seen a rise in revenge attacks since the Charlie Hebdo […]

Visa Waivers: More Harm Than Good?

David J Puentes – Many are aware that the perpetrators of the infamous 9/11 terrorist attacks were foreigners. Less may be aware that they were in the United States as the beneficiaries of a variety of non-immigrant visas. These attacks led to the consolidation of various different Federal departments and agencies into the Department of […]