Category Archives: NSAC Posts

Modern Day Border Changing: The Importance of National Sovereignty

By Nicholas Esser – For the past few weeks the world has anxiously been following the events occurring in Ukraine. It is indisputable that Russia, led by President Putin, has greatly disturbed the inhabitants and the borders of Ukraine. This gives rise to a few important questions. In an age in which borders have remained […]

The NSAC Law Review is Pleased to Announce the new Executive Board for the 2014-15 Academic Year!

Congratulations to the Executive Board for the 2014-15 academic year. We are excited to announce that the following students will lead the University of Miami National Security & Armed Conflict Law Review:   Editor-in-Chief, Michael Kranzler Executive Managing Editor, Jessica Sblendorio Symposium Editor, Laura Scala Senior Online Editor, Nicholas Esser Chief Articles Editor, Marc Rosenthal […]