Category Archives: NSAC Posts

Gun Control: United States Statistics and Law

BY GRETCHEN COTHRON — In the United States in 2010, almost 15,000 homicides were committed with a weapon. In 8,775 of  those homicides, the assailant used a firearm.[1]  Assailants used rifles in 358 homicides, shotguns in 373 homicides; unknown types of firearms in approximately 2,000 homicides, and handguns in 6,009 homicides.[2] Despite the shocking mass […]

Government Surveillance is on the Rise

BY T.J. GREEN — Your e-mails, text, messages, online photos, and social network postings are not as private as you think. In wake of the sex scandal involving former CIA Director General David Patraeus, Google released its semi-annual Transparency Report and one thing has become clear: “Government surveillance is on the rise.” According to the […]

Is Palestine a “State”?

By MARK DeSANTO — The United Nations General Assembly, comprised of 193 total members, voted to grant non-member observer status to Palestine on November 29, 2012. 138 member states voted to approve the change in member status, while only nine states, Canada, Czech Republic, Israel, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Panama, Palau, and the United States, […]