Tag Archives: Nicholas Esser

Enemy of the State: Terrorist Group Designation Surprisingly Supple

BY NICHOLAS ESSER – The United States government has declared yet another Islamic terrorist group.[1] The African based Boko Haram is responsible for a surge in violence in Nigeria, including the 2011 suicide bombing at the United Nations building in Nigeria’s capital Abuja.[2] So Boko Haram is now a terrorist group, but how does a group […]

The Battle of The Briefs: Domestic Intelligence Gathering At Stake

BY NICHOLAS ESSER — The public is largely aware of Edward Snowden, a man who is branded a traitor by some and a whistleblower by others. However, the ramifications of his leaking of sensitive National Security Agency (NSA) documents are sill largely unknown.[1] Snowden sent classified documents to various reporters and news agencies around the […]

The Naval Yard Tragedy: A Failure of Law or a Failure of Application?

BY NICHOLAS ESSER — In the wake of the tragedy of the Naval Yard shooting three weeks ago, there has been a great deal of discussion about Virginia’s gun laws. According to various news sources, the shooter—Aaron Alexis—purchased his weapon from a gun store in Virginia and carried it with him into Washington DC. Virginia […]