
What to expect

Each accepted work will be assigned to a team of Senior Article Editors and Members.  This team will work with the author to edit and prepare the work for publication. All articles that are selected will be published on the website on a rolling basis. The time frame of these articles will be decided between the Executive Board and the author. Each article will also be published at the end of the scholastic year in the annual publication.

Review Process: NSAC reads all pieces that meet our guidelines.  Each work receives a thorough review before a Submissions Editor responds with a decision.  Decisions on articles will be reviewed on a rolling basis.  NSAC prides itself on a quick response. Except for holidays and breaks, NSAC will respond in a week after submission.

Editing Process: Each accepted work will be assigned to a team of NSAC Senior Article Editors and Staff Editors.  This team will work with the author to edit and prepare the work for publication.

Please contact us if you have any questions about these policies.  Thank you for your interest in the University of Miami National Security and Armed Conflict Law Review.

Article requirements

The Executive Board of the University of Miami National Security & Armed Conflict Law Review welcomes the submission of articles written by professors, practitioners, and other scholars. The National Security & Armed Conflict Law Review accepts articles written on national security, law of war, and armed conflict-related areas of the law.

Manuscripts submitted to this Review should comply with The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (19th ed. 2010). The Review also prefers that articles be submitted electronically using Microsoft Word. Once accepted, each article will be published on a rolling basis.

NSAC publishes three types of works: Articles, Member casenotes, and Book Reviews.  Articles are designed to advance national security and armed conflict scholarship.  Member casenotes are articles written by our members and other student scholars.  Book Reviews evaluate a current, published work in the national security field.

When submitting any type of work, we request that contributors comply with the following standards:

Electronic Submissions: We strongly encourage authors to submit their manuscripts electronically in Microsoft Word format.  Submissions should be e-mailed as an attachment to with the word “Submissions” and the author’s last name in the subject line.

Length Guidelines:

  • Articles: Articles are generally between 15-40 pages double-spaced.  Shorter or longer works are considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Member casenotes: Member casenotes are between 20-30 pages double-spaced.  Works outside this range may be considered in exceptional circumstances.
  • Book reviews: Book Reviews are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Blogs: Blogs are generally between 3-5 pages double-spaced. Shorter or longer works are considered on a case-by-case basis. To cite in the blogs, make sure to include the link after the underlined word(s) you wish to cite (ex: NSAC Law Review(

Student submissions

NSAC encourages student writing and provides an excellent opportunity for student publications. Students are encouraged to submit written pieces in the form of a student note, news digest, current event, case review, article summary, legislation review, or book review.  Pieces may be submitted electronically to with the words “Student Submission” in the subject line.

How do I submit?

Submissions should be sent to via e-mail to

Although the University of Miami National Security & Armed Conflict Law Review gives great deference to an author’s work, the Review retains the right to determine the final published form of every article. Except as otherwise provided in the publishing agreement, the author of each article grants the University of Miami National Security & Armed Conflict Law Review the right to authorize the publication, reproduction, and distribution of the article in electronic, computerized retrieval systems, and similar forms, and to transfer such rights.