Author Archives: admin

The British Royal Fleet and The United States Coast Guard: A Historic Joint Mission

BY CLAIRE RUMLER – The United States Coast Guard (“Coast Guard”) made headlines again after a historic drug bust. Coast Guardsmen at Station Miami in Miami Beach unloaded 2,500 pounds of cocaine, packaged in 45 bales marked as refined sugar, which was recovered from a go-fast boat just south of the Dominican Republic. Although the cocaine […]

Non-State Armed Groups and Technology: The Humanitarian Tragedy at Our Doorstep?

BY COLONEL DAVE WALLACE & MAJOR SHANE REEVES — Technological advances are altering the contemporary asymmetric conflicts between non-state armed groups and state actors. This article discusses the humanitarian consequences of these changing conflicts by first illustrating the dangers posed by non-state armed groups gaining access to advanced technologies. A subsequent examination of the increasing […]

Miami, Latin America, and the Drug Trade: Rethinking and Reshaping the War on Drugs

BY CHRIS PAWLIK — When you think of Miami, a number of images come to mind: The sun, beautiful beaches, high-rises, and—for better or for worse—drugs. Since the inception of the War on Drugs, Miami has been synonymous with the illicit drug trade. Indeed, Miami’s association with the drug trade has inspired a significant number of […]

Human Trafficking: Destroying the Future of the Next Generation

BY NICHOLAS ESSER – I believed, like many others, that human trafficking was something that only happened to foreigners. I believed that young women were stolen from the dark alleyways of Europe or the dusty avenues of Mexico. I believed that organized crime and drug cartels were the ones we could hold responsible for such a […]