Category Archives: Uncategorized

Failures of the Current H1-B Visa Program

By Tiffany-Ashley Disney – The first step in being granted an H1-B Visa is obtaining a spot in the lottery of submitted applications. After surviving the lottery, the petition is reviewed by an immigration officer who makes the determination whether the worker is highly skilled and qualifies for the awarding of an H1-B Visa. There […]

War, War Never Changes: Primary Candidates’ Views on Going to War – Issue One

by Kevin Peterford – In the midst of Primary season, National Security remains one of the biggest issues that voters are concerned about. Obviously all of the candidates want to stop terrorism in its tracks, but different candidates propose different means of achieving this goal. This article will be the first of many articles that […]

Mass Shootings On The Rise; America Responds With Nothing But Conflicting Ideas And No Strategy In Sight

Ashley George – Friday, October 9, 2015, news broke about yet another school shooting, this time at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona. From reports this incident seems to have been the result of an altercation that escalated, leaving one student dead, three others injured, and the freshman shooter in custody. A mass shooting is […]

The Legality and Wisdom of Travel Restrictions Related to Ebola

By Stephanie Rosendorf – The Ebola Virus Disease is a severe and oftentimes fatal illness in humans, which has already taken the lives of thousands of people in Africa during this year. The first human outbreaks occurred in Africa in 1976, with the most recent outbreak also occurring in Africa but spreading to other continents, as […]