September 11th and NSAC

BY JULIE DAHLGARD — September 11, 2001 changed us.  Some of these changes are apparent in these ten years, and some of these changes we may never know.  The National Security and Armed Conflict Law Review may owe its existence to the greater want for debate and understanding national security issues after the September 11 attacks.  We write about these national security issues every day, but today, we take time to reflect, remember, mourn, and consider again how 9/11 changed the world.

On the tenth anniversary of 9/11, the members of The National Security and Armed Conflict Law Review thank you for looking to us for legal scholarship regarding national security and share with you some ways to reflect.

9/11 Ten Years Since

9/11 Memorial

Pentagon Memorial

Flight 93 Memorial

New York City Fire Department Memorials to First Responders

FDNY Members Who Died Due to WTC-Related Illnesses

University of Miami’s Observance

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