Author Archives: David Puentes

Security v. Privacy: Does One Always Compromise The Other?

by Ashley George – On December 2, 2015 a mass shooting at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California left 14 people dead and another 22 injured.  The attack came to end by way of an armed confrontation between the shooters and police resulting in the death of both attackers. Investigations quickly began into […]

H-bomb or No H-bomb? That Is The Question

  by Carolina de la Pedraja – Earlier this year, it was brought to the attention of the United Nations Security Council that North Korea clearly “violated (past) resolutions…and of the nonproliferation regime,” when it bragged about the “‘spectacular success’” of its first hydrogen bomb test.” At a meeting on January 6 of this year, […]

War, War Never Changes: Primary Candidates’ Views on Going to War – Issue One

by Kevin Peterford – In the midst of Primary season, National Security remains one of the biggest issues that voters are concerned about. Obviously all of the candidates want to stop terrorism in its tracks, but different candidates propose different means of achieving this goal. This article will be the first of many articles that […]

Why The Boston Bombing Trial Should Not Have Been In Boston

By Theodore Chakos “More than one student of society has expressed the view that not the least significant test of the quality of a civilization is its treatment of those charged with crime, particularly with offenses which arouse the passions of a community.” –Justice Frankfurter Dzhokhar Tsarnaev may not deserve our sympathy and compassion, but […]